Here are the main remedies used in children’s health problems:
Aconite: it is a first-stage remedy (after max 24 hours) in cases of sudden fever and thirst. The face is red and it’s accompanied by anxiety, even fear of dying. This is the cure for croup. Croup (or laryngotracheobronchitis) is a respiratory condition usually triggered by an acute viral infection of the upper airways.
Belladonna: in case of high fever with redness and dryness, especially in the eyes and skin. The child is not thirsty, he is a little delirious. It is the first remedy for scarlet fever.
Chamomilla: in case of pain and insomnia. The child is angry, inconsolable. The first remedy for toothache.
Pulsatilla: no thirst or fever but the child cries and wants to cli all the time. His mood changes easily, he’s improved out in the fresh air.
Rhus-Tox: the skin scratches a lot. Improvement by the hot bath. The child moves constantly.
Sulfur: agitation and itching also but not as much as Rhus-Tox. Thirsty, hungry, hard to recover, to react.
Mercurius Solubilis: In case of very uncomfortable chickenpox with symptoms like pus in the vesicles, sweats, swollen glands.
In case of Burning: Calendula cream
Source: Webinar from Miranda Castro
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