Have you ever considered curing your puppy’s illness or anxiety with alternative medicine? More and more owners are going for a holistic approach when it comes to curing their pets.
Homeopathy and Bach Flowers
We’ve talked about some of Edward Bach’s remedies in an article about his history, but here are some ideas on how to apply it to animals.
Bach flowers for animals includes animals sick by car, those who are anxious in case of separation … You have a stressed dog or an aggressive cat? There are Bach Flowers for that too. Some essential oils are toxic (especially that animals have a more developed sense of smell.)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) serves to calm the edgy dogs, as well as chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). The following oils should not be used with animals: cinnamon, ylang ylang, and lemon, among others.
Homeopathy is also very practical, in addition to being less expensive. For a chronic disease like homeopathic granules the osteoarthritis, which is manifested by seizures, the owners appreciate the savings as much as the absence of side effects and undesirable effects related to the anti-inflammatory, almost obligatory for relieving the animals. The main homeopathic remedies are: Rhus Tox in case of arthritis and red eyes, Sulfur for skin allergies, Euphrasia for eye problems, such as conjunctivitis.
In order to help our little animals, we need to consult with professionals. A lot of information is available online, but it should be used only for simple cases, such as a burn.
At AMCC, we do not yet offer training specifically oriented towards alternative animal care. If we did, our program would look something like this:
- Veterinary phytotherapy
Galenic forms and routes of administration of medicinal plant preparations in veterinary medicine
Therapeutic properties of medicinal plants
Advantages and precautions of use
Preservation of preparations
Terms of use in veterinary medicine
2. Veterinary aromatherapy
- General information about HE
Therapeutic properties of HE
Toxicity of HE
How to use HE in veterinary medicine
Main routes of administration of EOs in dogs and cats
3. Veterinary Gemmotherapy - Preparations of glycerine macerates
Galenic forms used
Dosage and method of use
Therapeutic properties
4. Veterinary homeopathy - Principles of homeopathy
Constraints of the use of homeopathy in veterinary medicine
Study of frequently used remedies in veterinary medicine
Case study
5. Bach Flowers - Administration and dosage of flower essences
Effects of treatment
Classification of floral elixirs
Directory of floral elixirs used in veterinary medicine
6. Common conditions - Dog and cat
Therapeutic approaches to veterinary diseases through osteopathy, acupuncture and reflexology.
Maybe you know a veterinarian who would like to create such a course for the College?
One thing is for sure, alternative medicine for animals is a growing trend, and the more students trained the right way, the more animals are happy!
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