Débouchés: Opportunities: The Naturopath can be part of a professional or corporate association. He or she can work in a clinic or private practice, give seminars (or public broadcasts) for schools or associations, write articles, act as tutor in a school, manage a health center or a store, etc.
Pré-requis: Prerequisites:
Code de Réf: Reference code:
Heures: Hours of study:
Crédits: Credits:
Études cliniques (stages) : Clinic study (internships):
Diplôme: Diploma:
Ce programme comprend: This program includes:
- All the latest technologies in teaching, interactive E-learning tools
- Course notebooks for printing
- Email assistance at all times from a doctor also qualified in alternative medicine (all specializations combined)
- Online exams on the date that suits you, open book
- Access to the student center with multiple resources including a database of thousands of questions and answers from our students and their tutor, as well as videos on the consultation.
Frais de scolarité: Tuition fees:
Specialisation in Naturopathy Online Courses (module 911)
This naturopathic module focuses on the many more specific and specialised care techniques, after the main curriculum Natural Health Practitioner PS800. The acquired knowledge in those naturopathic online courses will give the student the competence and confidence to carry out an in-depth treatment.
Indeed, the naturopath is able to intervene as much for the chronic diseases as for the functional problems. He/She will be able to use aromatherapy, herbal medicine, oligotherapy and field semiology – all these subjects are included in our naturopathic online courses curriculum (and more). This holistic approach is particularly useful in determining how the patient will respond to an approach or treatment.
Finally, this module includes clinical case studies, which will provide the future holistic health practitioner in Naturopathy real “know-how”.
NOTICE: This module is a specialisation in naturopathy. To register, you must be a Health Practitioner. You can also access the page for the Naturopathic Online Degree.