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Get your diploma in one of our Natural Health Oriented Program
Obtaining a diploma, attestation or certificate for a complete program, module or course represents a significant investment in time and money.
However, to succeed in achieving your goal, you must have enough time: How much time can I devote to my studies per week at least? By answering this question, you will have an idea of the training courses that are available to you.
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Praticien en Nutrithérapie
Le programme de Nutrithérapie est extrêmement intéressant et complet pour un candidat qui souhaite se spécialiser dans le domaine des aliments et des compléments alimentaires. Ce programme permet aux praticiens d’utiliser les nutriments contenus dans les aliments comme une arme thérapeutique dans le cadre d’une approche globale et naturelle. Cette formation comprend des études de cas cliniques. 13 cours
En savoir plus sur le programme de Nutrithérapie
Nutritherapy Practitioner #NH400
This nutritherapy program is a very popular option for our students who want a shorter program: indeed it can be completed in a year or two, depending on your study pace. One who wishes to specialize in the field of food and dietary supplements should definitely choose this option. Our online holistic nutrition program will give you all the tools you need in order to help people regaining control of their health through proper eating habits. Of course, our NH400 program also includes clinical case studies to be completed with people of your entourage who could use some help with your knowledge gained in the AMCC courses. In order to help you start in your professional journey, our online program also includes two "practice-oriented" courses: #555 and #565.
Total: 8 courses. You do not need to take the Anatomy&Physiology pre-requisite to obtain your NH400 diploma.
Learn more about this 100% online Program in Holistic Nutrition