In French, Hornbeam is Charm, a much lovely word for this Bach flower, #17 in our series. It’s the remedy for people who can’t even find the strength to get out of bed in the morning… charming indeed.
It’s part of the group from Dr. Bach “for those who suffer from uncertainty” – they lack energy, concentration, they’re weary in their daily business. Sort of like a soft depression. But unlike Olive, once Hornbeam starts to get going, it’s much easier. They just need this small push of enthusiasm at the beginning, then the car gets going. The origin of the problem is more mental than physical.
How to Recognize Hornbeam?
- You lack spirit and you have a feeling of Monday morning
- Wants to find an alert spirit in moments of weariness.
- Hornbeam builds strength and willpower in people who tend to procrastinate.
- It also helps to overcome mental fatigue caused by routine.
- Speaks to moral rather than physical weariness, to those who wake up unsure of being able to cope with the day’s work.
- or those who need a boost of courage to face their tasks.
When to Know You’re in the Positive
The positive potential of Hornbeam is the certainty of having within oneself the strength and the capacity to face daily work. Alertness, vitality, freshness and spontaneity are restored and life is pleasant again. Daily work, well balanced with entertainment, can be faced energetically and with a clear mind.
In the Words of Dr. Bach
For those who feel they lack sufficient strength, mentally or physically, to bear the burden of life imposed upon them; day-to-day business seems too much for them to do, although they usually manage to get the job done. For those who believe that some part of the mind or body needs to be strengthened before they can easily do their job.
– The twelve healers and other remedies
For Children Too!
A good remedy for those who procrastinate. When the child feels exhausted at the very idea of doing something he doesn’t want to.
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