This month’s Bach flower remedy is Holly – very festive if you look at the picture, really we could have used it for our December special edition of our newsletter but no matter. Here it is for you – Holly!
How’s Holly Going to Help Me?
What’s Holly going to do for me, you may ask. Or if you’re a practitioner, what can it do/help my customer, I mean patient?
Let’s say you or your “patient” or your “friend” is very:
- jealous
- hateful
- insecure (which explains the last two points)
Then you’ll want to give this remedy a try. It’s worth it: those are really bad character traits which can take years to work out on your own (I would know). And there you’ve got a bottle, a bit expensive but what it really takes is a few drops in a glass of water, and you’re like a different person (you, your friend or your patient).
Let’s recap some of its advantages:
- promotes understanding
- increases tolerance
- alleviates feelings of anger and resentment.
I think we should all take it. The world would be a much better place indeed. If Ghandi only knew about Bach flowers, he could have done much more!
Holly people (not to confuse with Holy!) are thus people who suffer from jealousy, cravings, thoughts of revenge, rage, resentment. The Holly flower helps them to develop love for oneself and for others.
In the Words of Dr. Bach
Here’s from the official Bach Center in London, straight from the horse’s mouth like they say there:
“For those who sometimes are attacked by thoughts of such kind as jealousy, envy, revenge, suspicion. For the different forms of vexation. Within themselves, they may suffer much, often when there is no real cause for their unhappiness.”
– The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies
But attention!
Just because someone is angry doesn’t mean you have to give them Holly! Could you imagine, that would mean a lot of people…
What is that person’s anger based on? If it’s impatience, you already know you’re going to give Impatiens, which we covered in the past.
There’s also anger based on a feeling of injustice (Vervain), or personal unfairness (‘I’m always the victim’ type of speech).
Here what we have is:
very negative, aggressive feelings directed at others – feelings such as hatred, suspicion, envy, spite.
The basic problem in a Holly state is an absence of love, and the remedy works to encourage our generosity of spirit and an openness towards others.
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