At the AMCC, we firmly believe that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Take my son, for example, the other night he asks me, just before going to bed, why the “things that come out and make noise” (read “gas”) so why they don’t smell good? As it was already quite late for him and I didn’t want to get into a long discussion, I simply promised to answer him the next day. Actually, he’s not stupid boy, so there is certainly something interesting about his question. Let’s analyze.
Where does gas come from and why does it smell good?
Before going into physiognomic and anatomical details, I would like to reassure the worried readers among us: farting is normal !! Indeed, it has been proven that the average person releases a wind between 6 and 20 times a day, without having to worry about it. I invite you to do the count, you will see, it’s funny: instead of the food journal, the naturopath will ask you for “the wind journal”. Beyond this limit, therefore, you can start looking for alternative therapies to relieve you of this scourge. Indeed, why is it not good? After all, somewhere it is natural and the body needs it. In the intestine, during digestion, food decomposes and gas is a waste of this decomposition. These gases mixed together (indole, skatole and hydrogen sulfide …) form the not-so-pleasant smell that we all know.
How To Reduce Gas With The Help Of Pellets?
The first thing is to see if it is indeed a problem (say above 20 winds per day). The second thing is to change the diet (the number one troublemaker in general). Then, if you are plugged into granules, here are some homeopathic suggestions:
Arsenicum album 9 CH when the gases have a foul odor;
Aloe socotrina 9 CH if the gas feels ‘hot’ or occurs during diarrhea;
Conium maculatum 9 CH if the gases are “cold”;
Lycopodium 9 CH when the gases have difficulty in coming out.
(3 granules 3 times a day) I also mention in passing a product from the Boiron laboratory intended to eliminate gas (I have not tried it) and it includes the following remedies:
Carbo vegetabilis 6C – Relieves stomach bloating with gas
Lycopodium clavatum 6C – Relieves swollen lower abdomen
Nux moschata 6C – Relieves abdominal bloating accompanied by constipation
Raphanus sativus 6C – Relieves abdominal bloating with difficulty when passing gas
Can we self-acupuncture to relieve our flatulence?
The answer is a resounding yes. In acupressure, we can look for the following points:
Zusanli, aka ST36 – about 3 inches below the kneecap, about 1 inch towards the outer edge.
Sanyinjiao, aka SP6 – About 3 inches above the inner ankle bone.
Qihai, aka CV6 – About 1 1/2 inches below the navel.
Zhongwan, aka CV12 – About 4 inches above the navel.
Weishu, aka BL21 – Approximately 6 inches above the lower back and 1 1/2 inches outward on each side of the spine.
Warning! The purpose of these pressure points is to release gas to improve the digestion process, so you don’t risk having less but more!
Free yourself from flatulence thanks to plants
Nature still has all kinds of secrets to reveal to us, especially in herbal medicine:
green anise seeds (one teaspoon) infused for 10 minutes. Remember to filter.
in aromatherapy:
a drop of tarragon essential oil in a quarter of a teaspoon of honey (that’s not a lot of honey). it is allowed to melt in the mouth, 3 times a day for 3 days.
in food:
- we favor ginger, peppermint, spices and aromatics VS garlic, cabbage, dried beans, turnips and onions.
- yogurt and cheese instead of milk (it digests less well).
- oil, fish, poultry and rice.
- Avoid bread, pasta, pulses and whole grains (eat in small doses). Check out our leaven-bread article for an exception to this rule.
In short, all of this applies if of course your problem is one.
General Naturopathic Advice
In the AMCC courses, there is a whole series of tips to reduce the causes of gas:
- avoid large fatty meals.
- reduce sugars, or simply say bye-bye sugar! In addition to gas, sugars cause hypertension, diabetes, acidosis, excess weight …
It is possible that the liver and the gall bladder need a little touch-up: in fact, gas can be symptomatic of a malfunction of these organs. - use drainages, such as detox food, juices, massages, baths … fasts and cures may be necessary to properly dislodge clinging waste …
An exercise to do at home when no one is around:
Lie on your stomach and bring your hands together above your hips. Now lift your chest, feet, and legs as high as possible, while pulling hard on your arms. This exercise strengthens the back, legs and abdomen, and helps to evacuate intestinal gas.
In oligotherapy: zinc-nickel-cobalt complex.
in enzymatic therapy: the mix of pancreatic enzymes. Improves the digestion of proteins, fats, and starch.
In Conclusion: To Avoid not Smelling Good – Improve Digestion!
If our food is not well digested, it stays in the stomach and therefore causes putrefaction (the gases we saw above, in addition to CO2, hydrogen and methane). In the colon, this waste accumulates and breaks down, creating bacteria and toxins. At a certain point, they cross the intestinal barrier and travel to the rest of the body through the blood. This partly explains gas as well as the following symptoms: constipation, bloating, digestive problems, fatigue, weight gain or loss, headaches, etc.
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