You may or may not believe me, but I finally found a way to throw sugar out of the way for good!
It’s such a liberating turning point in my life, I felt I needed to share the sweet success with you!
But How Did You Manage?
Like every challenge in life, getting rid of sugar doesn’t happen in one go – not for me anyway. I wanted, and tried, and failed, many times. Let’s give credit where credit is due: Allen Carr’s guide to getting rid of Bad Sugar. It’s called Bad Sugar Good Sugar.
The trick is that there are no tricks.
It’s all in the mind… so go and get brainwashed right now!
Sure, there’s a bit of a physical addiction component, but there’s no big withdrawal symptoms when you don’t eat junk anymore. Really the big problem is our own mind: we just cannot believe we could actually live without sugar.
But it used to be they didn’t have sugar, and they lived just fine. They didn’t die of diabetes and other related diseases.
So the art of this challenge is to convince yourself that there’s really NO GAIN whatsoever in consuming sugary products, and there’s EVERYTHING to gain in focusing instead on healthy food.
You do not become a boring person, you’re becoming free from an addiction. It seems the whole world is addicted and everybody KNOWS it’s bad and harmful. Yet everybody keeps eating it. Interesting, no?
Simple As That
Once you’re convinced, and Allen Carr’s book will destroy every myth out there that could keep you hooked, then you’ve almost won the battle!
The idea of his EasyWay technique is that it’s not a question of Willpower. A lot of people with a lot of willpower fail when it comes to addiction. It’s really a question of being sure and clear about the truth and choosing to pursue it. Now it’s Day 1 of your pursuing a free, truthful life. From now on, you’re a free-sugar person, with everything that comes with it: better health, better energy, much more fun preparing your food, ect.
I’ll tell you the truth, I do not know how we can be naturopaths if we’re still consuming this poison, telling our patients it’s bad for us! So before you graduate from the AMCC, I would suggest you get this book and start on your new sugar-free journey for good!
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