Student’s Guide
- Teaching Method and Work Requirements
- Sending Activities to the College
- Presentation and Objectives
Chapter 1
Food Families and Some Food Guides
- Classification and Composition
Meat, Fish and Eggs
- Beef
- Veal
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Rabbit
- Pork
Fish and Shellfish
- Crab
- Shrimp
- Squid, Cuttlefish
- Herring
- Cod
- Mackerel
- Sole
- Salmon
- Mussels
- Eggs
Carbohydrates (Grains and Legumes)
- Bread and Other Flour Products
- Other Grains
- Oats
- Wheat
- Millet
- Corn
- Barley
- Quinoa
- Brown Rice
- Spelt
- Dried Beans (Legumes)
Lipids (Oils and Fats)
- Butter
- Oils and Margarines
- Fruit and Vegetables (sources of water, fibre, vitamins and minerals)
- Dark Green and Sea Vegetables (seaweed)
Milk and Cheese
Cooking Vegetables and Keeping Their Nutritional Value
- Water
- Breast Milk
- Coffee and Tea
- Herbal Teas
- Wine
- Beer
Food Guides
- Canada’s Food Guide (2007)
- The American Food Guide
- The American Pyramid (MyPyramid)
- The French Food Guide
- Nutritional Guidelines from the Objectives of the National Nutritional Health Program (PNNS)
- Willett’s Pyramid
- Willett’s Pyramid
- The Barry Sears Diet
- The Anti-Aging or Vitality Food Guide
Natural and Organic Foods
- Raw Organic Food and Their Energetic Vitality
Chapter 2
The Therapeutic Value of Food
A List of Super Foods or Functional Foods by their Characteristics and Therapeutic Value
- Soy
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Garlic
- Flax Seeds
- Fatty Fish
- Oat Bran
- Legumes
- Blueberries
- Nuts
- Tomatoes
The Dietary Value of Other Foods
- Food Yeast (used in beer)
- Wheat Germ
- Grapes
- Onions
- Seafood
- Seaweed
- Milk (raw)
- Yogurt (lactic bacteria)
- Cranberries
- Olive Oil
- Mushrooms
- Carrots
- Carotenoids
- Grains (barley, corn, oats)
- Ginger
- Honey
- Apples
- Grapefruit
- Lemons
- Oranges
- Peaches
- Pineapple Juice (and the pineapple itself)
- Celery
- Lettuce
- Cauliflower
- Beets
- Spinach
- Since Potatoes
- Green Tea
Index of the Therapeutic Value of Food
Chapter 3
Main Nutritional Trends
Hypersensitivities: Beyond Food Additives
- An Increasingly Complex Situation
- Food Additives
- The Dose Makes the Poison
- Salicylates
- Phosphates
- Amines
- Sulfites
- A Personalized Response
Vegetarianism and Veganism
- The Basic Principle
- Disadvantages and Risks
Raw Foodism and Living Foods
- The Main Principles
- Mechanisms of Action
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
The Kousmine Diet
- Principles
- Kousmine’s Budwig Cream
- Classifying Foods According to TCM
- Yang foods
- Yin foods
- The Standard Macrobiotic Diet
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Shelton’s Principles of Food Combining
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
The Mediterranean (Cretan) Diet
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- The Paleolithic Diet and Dr. Seignalet
- Permitted Foods
- Foods to Eliminate
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
The Zone Diet By Barry Sears
Diet According to Blood Type (Dr. D’Adamo)
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- High-protein Diets
- Principle
- How Does It Work?
- What Foods Should Be Eaten?
- Precautions
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet
- The Principles of Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet
- Advantages of Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet
- Drawbacks of Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet
The Fit for Life Diet
- Benefits of Fit for Life
- Disadvantages of Fit for Life
- The Minçavi Diet
- Benefits of Minçavi
- Disadvantages of Minçavi
The Montignac Diet
- Benefits of the Montignac Diet
- Disadvantages of the Montignac Diet
The Okinawa Diet
- Benefits of the Okinawa Diet
- Disadvantages of the Okinawa Diet
The Pritikin Diet
- Benefits of the Pritikin Diet
- Disadvantages of the Pritikin Diet
The Shapiro Diet
- Benefits of the Shapiro Diet
- Disadvantages of the Shapiro Diet
The Weight Watchers Diet
- Benefits of the Weight Watchers Diet
- Disadvantages of the Weight Watchers Diet
The Dukan Diet
- Benefits of the Dukan Diet
- Disadvantages of the Dukan Diet
Fasting and Monodiets
- Fasting
- Complete Fasting
- Modified Fasting
- Total Cure
- Monodiets and Juice Cures
- A Healthy Diet
Chapter 4
Living Food
- Living Food, Vibrant Food
Humanity’s Great Challenge: Co-existing With Our Food
- History: Sprouted Foods are not a New Trend
- Cultivating Gratitude
Eating Living Food Means Eating Vibrant Food
- A Modern Paradox: Deficiency Despite Abundance
Enzymes: Clever Ferments
- Ancestral Energy: A Valuable, but Limited, Inheritance
Vitality and Longevity
- A Precious Inheritance
- An Example from Nature
- Bigger, but not Smarter
- Cooking that Kills
- Eating Healthfully is not as Hard as You May Think
Sprouts and Young Shoots
- Young Shoots
- Photosynthesis: An Essential Interdependence
- True Benefits
- Mechanisms of Action: Simplification and Stimulation
- Simplified Nutrients
- Preparing Sprouts Yourself
- The Steps Involved in Sprouting
- Sprouting Time
- Young Shoots Sprouting in Soil
- The Benefits of Young Shoots
- Growing in Earththe Steps
- Steps for Growing in Soil
- When to Harvest
- What Should you Sprout and Why?
Other Categories of Living Foods
- Oleaginous Fruits (nuts and seeds)
- Fermentation: A Winning Way to Prepare Food
- Other Fermentation Products You Can Try
Internal Acidity: An Environment You Should Avoid!
Blood pH
- Acid and Acidifying; Alkaline and Alkalinizing
- Is your Body Acid or Alkaline?
- Bibliography, Mediagraphy
Chapter 5
Therapeutic Focus
- A Word From the Instructors
- Introduction
- Basic Rules for Healthy Nutrition
The Global Approach and Holistic Medicine
The Importance of Eliminating Toxins
- Reminder About the Rules of Redirection
The Holistic Approach in Chinese Energy
The Holistic Approach in Homeopathy
Metabolic Typing
- Activity 1
- Activity 2
- Activity 3
- Activity 4
- Appendix
Appendix 1: Questionnaire on Metabolic Types
- Compiling the Results
- Carbo Type Diet
- Protein Type Diet
- Mixed Type Diet
Appendix 2: The Twelve Steps to Fine-tune Carbohydrates and Protein
Appendix 3 : Reading a Label
- List of Ingredients
- Nutritional Information Table
- Nutritional Information
- Percentage of Recommended Daily Intake
- Cholesterol-free Products
- Food-related Vocabulary
- There is Light, and there is Light
- Calories, Kilocalories and Kilojoules
- Table of Nutritional Claims
- Validation form course 542