There are not many times in life when having a double chin is a sign of health … the baby is pretty much the only example. All my children have had a double chin, see a triple chin. Fat under the arms, legs, even feet … It is to wonder if they are not at risk of obesity! Of course it is cute, a round baby, but when are we entitled to worry?
Big Baby = Obese Child?
The truth is that all my children today are thin, despite their very comfortable weight of their sweet youthful childhood. Only remains my fourth, which is still at this stage and I do not dare to worry considering the positive result with the other three. In addition, doctors have proven that there is no correlation between baby fat in large quantities, and obesity later … phew! It seems that “only” one in five obese babies is destined to be a somewhat fat adult.
Of course, a baby who is not thin is also a baby who does not move around easily. It may be more difficult for him (or her) to be physically active, and so we fall into the vicious cycle of obesity later. But never mind! We can very well do exercises with our baby, moreover it occupies when we do not have much to do with this little one of a few months only. If you see that at the age of four, your child has still not lost this extra weight, you will have to worry that he will become like many American children unfortunately these days, and the send to the children’s camp too fat!
What food?
In the clinic, in any case, they are the first to tell you if the weight corresponds with the size to the graph on their computer. When the child grows up, its weight is better distributed and with the increase in physical activity (it runs everywhere these things!) The extra fat disappears. Not for now therefore the children’s diet! Maybe just refrain from feeding her as soon as the baby cries … maybe bored, cold, or tired? Feeding your child at any time is also implicitly making him believe that you can settle everything with a little something to snack on … does that remind you of someone? Love is not fair in the food we give to our children 🙂
In addition, when feeding baby with breast milk, the latter automatically adjusts to the needs of the child. Not like milk powder where you always have to check the quantities according to weight, size, do not dilute too much ect.
A real miracle! Breast milk at the start of feeding has less fat and less calories, which encourages baby to continue feeding. On the other hand, the milk at the end is richer in fat and calories, signaling to the child that he has reached satiety … if the baby does not want to listen, the breast is emptied anyway … eventually . In addition, water supplements are not necessary when breastfeeding, breast milk is sufficient even if it is hot, which is not the case in supermarket milk.
Simple solutions
So really the only thing to do if baby is breastfeeding and is “chubby” is to make sure that he is given some exercise every now and then. For example:
- when we change his diaper, we can make him touch his right knee with his left elbow, several times, and we change sides.
- If you let your baby take our thumbs and other fingers and don’t hold their forearms, they can get into a sitting position.
- We can also make them stand on our knees, see them bounce.
- No need to enroll him in a fitness class yet! A few minutes on the stomach several times a day is obviously recommended. But not after eating … it may stain the blanket!
- The important thing is to vary the positions during the day, so that baby does not stay all day (and at night) in his stroller …
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