In naturopathy, there are several reasons for following a monodiet (based on rice, pineapple, grapes, etc.), which contributes to our overall health. The apple diet (either raw or cooked) consists of eating only preferably organic apples. It’s interesting for its contributions.
On the one hand, our body is attacked daily (pollution, food additives, industrial and prepared foods, alcohol, smoking, non-organic food, pesticides, etc.). Our five emunctories (liver, intestines, skin, lungs and kidneys) process and get rid of waste and toxins. Like filters that can get clogged, if they have to work too hard, they become exhausted and can no longer perform their function. What’s going on ? This toxic waste, which is no longer eliminated by our beautiful purification machines, goes into our body. Therefore, our body malfunctions, diseases can appear. The monodiet allows to release our emunctories then put at rest.
On the other hand, during monodiet days, only one food is consumed per meal so as not to put more work on the digestive system. Thus, all other foods are prohibited, sweet, salty, industrial products or alcohol – banned. It is also best to avoid strenuous physical activity during this special fasting time. It’s a time to rest. Due to its very restrictive nature, one to three – maximum – is sufficient to have good results. Water should be consumed at will and regularly (1.5 or 2 liters / day).
Which Health Benefits?
The apple cure, preferably in the fall, has antirheumatic, diuretic, mild laxative, muscle and nervous tonic qualities. We appreciate its anti-cholesterol-lowering, stomachic (digestive, intestinal antiseptic and gastric protector) role. It is inexpensive too.
Finally, remember that this monodiet does not replace any medical treatment, nor any medical consultation. It is not a permanent diet but a temporary one (one or a few days or even one meal per week) otherwise it could lead to deficiencies. It is essential to seek advice from your doctor and healthcare practitioner before doing one. In addition, it is contraindicated in particular for people suffering from acute colitis, because of celluloses. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, people suffering from major pathologies, illnesses and / or with low vitality should not take monodieties.
Katia Lucas, N.D.
Nutritherapy practitioner
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