I recently graduated from the homeopathy program at the AMCC and it’s no secret from our blog’s readers by now that homeopathy is the true love of my life (except for my husband of course, hi sweetie!)
Homeopathy on Health and Healing
So I want to share with you how is homeopathy so far from our allopathic world view and why this should change soon.
(This excerpt was taken and adapted from Dr. Luc’s book Hahnemann revisited. )
Disease in allopathic medicine is equated with pathology, which in homeopathy is viewed as the last stage of disease – when the body is at the end of its rope, so to speak, after a long term disharmony in the Vital Force. Allopathic medicine defines healing as removing the pathology: the rash disappears, the wart is burned off, the tumor is removed – no more symptoms, we won! Homeopathy says: stop! Everything is connected! And that’s why allopathy doesn’t include in its outcomes research the appearance of asthma after eczema disappears, or of seizures after asthma is treated, or of cervical cancer after a genital wart is removed. We also got depression or anxiety attacks after an itch is relieved, or even worst, death directly connected to a rash suppression.
Homeopathy acknowledges the connection of mind and emotions, body and spirit. The right remedy stimulates the Vital Force to throw off the depression, the anxiety, the asthma, to make the skin eruption reappear (yes, we want!) and then to throw this off in turn until all the symptoms are gone.
Spiritual Healing and the New World Ahead
Because modern medicine relies so much on what’s objective and what’s observable, it has put on blinders when it comes to mind, emotions and spirit. For instance, recent medical studies have validated the effectiveness of such spiritual practices as simple prayer – an unknown person for whom we pray, for example, will have much less need for post-surgical interventions. The research team concludes “if a new medication achieved these outcomes it would be adopted immediately” But these studies exist at the fringes of medicine. They have not yet challenged the paradigm. In Copernicus” time, the observations of planetary motions didn’t fit with the accepted view of the earth as the center of the universe. But as observations kept accumulating, the scientific establishment of the time could not ignore it anymore. A shift in paradigm happened- the foundations of the medieval universe was shaken.
Modern medicine is on the verge of such a paradigm shift right now. We see more and more evidence of the curative role of mind and emotions, energy and spirit. At this point the evidence is not being assimilated because the medical establishment doesn’t know what to do with the information. But soon, the world view will crack… and when it does… homeopathy will be ready! Indeed, it has the tools already in hand to work with the Vital Force.
For instance, the oncologist may ignore her patient’s belief that his cancer was triggered by the death of his wife of 50 years, not only because it doesn’t fit her paradigm, but also because this information is not useful for her prescription. The homeopath finds it supremely useful and in fact orients her whole prescription around this all-important leakage of the Vital Force, choosing among our many remedies for “ailments from grief”.
The Germ the Enemy?
Modern medicine has one enemy to conquer: the germ. Even if it means that the patient will suffer “heavy loss” like hair loss, nausea, impotence or constipation – the microbes are subdued and the war was won. But was it?
Homeopathy is all about balance: trillions of microbes occur naturally within each one of us, many to digest our food and synthesize vitamins. What upsets the balance of our internal flora? Why some succumb to diseases more easily than others? How can we restore the balance by strengthening the Vital Force?
Hahnemann focused on the individual’s susceptibility to a microbe or other disease trigger, explaining it in terms of a lack of natural defenses because of weakened Vital Force. As long as the defense system is intact, we are resistant to most exterior agressions.
Let’s have a look at Hahnemann’s Aphorism 31:
” We become diseased only when our organism is just exactly and sufficiently disposed and laid open to be assaulted by the cause of disease that is present, and to be altered in its condition, mistuned and displaced into abnormal feelings and functions.”
Pasteur, credited to have founded micro-biology (with Koch) said on his death bed: “Bernard a raison, le terrain est tout! Le microbe n’est rien!” (Bernard – that is Dr. Claude Bernard, the father of modern physiology – is right, the terrain is everything! The microbe is nothing!”
Well this nothing is costing us a lot these days, because scientists still believe that the microbe is the cause of the disease. Testing each drug that comes to market costs about 359 million dollars. This drug is usually specific to one germ. ONE germ. However we know that a microbe mutates, often much faster than a new drug can be developed. Microbes teach each other drug resistance even! (through plasmids)
Let’s take the example of cholera, a very virulent disease if there ever was one. Hahnemann cured it 150 years – with the same remedies that could be used today in a cholera epidemic. The remedies cost a fraction of a cent per day. You do the maths. Homeopathy has the tools to cure millions of patients suffering from TB, malaria, cholera, STDs and other infectious diseases.
Strengthening the Vital Force
As Hahnemann says in Aphorism #9 :
“In the healthy human state, the spirit-like life force (Vital Force) keeps all parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both feelings and functions.”
It depends on a healthy lifestyle which included nutrition, pure fresh air and water and good sanitation, amongst others. Also, if there’s a presence of a miasm, the hereditary tendency to disease, homeopathy can prevent the development of chronic diseases by eradicating these miasms. In some cases, the chronic disease can be cured by improving nutrition and lifestyle:
- avoiding too much alcohol, salt and sugar and over-eating in general.
- avoiding pornography and other dissipations (I’m quoting the master)
- living in healthy living spaces (not damp/cold apartments)
- exercising regularly and breathing pure fresh air. Avoiding a sedentary life-style and staying up too late at night
- thinking and reading too much after meals
- putting to much energy in ambition and acquisition
- protecting oneself as much as possible from emotional stresses (grief, anger, fear, etc.)
- enjoying a happy home life and a healthy sex life.
A good homeopath will take these points into consideration when evaluating a case and mention whatever is applicable to its patient. If a patient is suffering from chronic indigestion just from eating greasy, spicy junk food all the time, we need to teach him about proper diet, not give him a palliative remedy that allows him to continue abusing his body.
It should also be noted that millions of people today suffer from side effects of medical (mis)treatment. This is what Hahnemann called in his Aphorism 74 “the prolonged use of violent, heroic medicines in large and increasing doses”. Adverse drug reactions are the fourth leading cause of death in the US, killing more people than cas accidents, plane crashes and all other accidents combined.
By the time patients come to see their homeopath, they’ve been already treated with medications that fight directly against the Vital Force, driving the disease deeper inwards. That’s on top of the fact that the average life-style in America is NOT conducive to health. Most people’s Vital Force is weakened by a deficient diet, chemicals in the air and water, a sedentary life-style, relationship difficulties and/or unsatisfying work. This jungle of symptoms creates confusion for the homeopath and makes the selection of the correct remedy increasingly difficult.
Thank goodness, Hahnemann has given us sound laws and principles to follow in finding the remedy and treating the patient The healing action of the Vital Force is a basic concept of classical homeopathy. To learn more read Hahnemann Revisited by Dr. Luc de Schepper.
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