These nasty pimples cause you nightmares? You’re not the only ones … I’ve never suffered from this but I was reading an article recently about a lady who has suffered for years. She tried all sorts of medicines, allopathic and holistic but without lasting results. Finally, she found a solution in Belgium in a small pharmacy in Antwerp. But this is not the purpose of this article. Let’s take a look at the problem of acne.
Acne is caused by the sebaceous glands, a fancy word for oil gland. It is a small gland in the skin that secretes a lubricating fat (sebum) in the hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair.
It’s been demonstrated that there’s a big genetic factor since about 80% of those suffering from acne have a relative with the same condition.
But all this information does not help us to remove these buttons from the face (or elsewhere). So, what to do?
Treatment Options
Beware of antibiotics! As we already know, but research still mentions, the use of antibiotics can cause bacteria that become resistant to these same antibiotics. This has an impact on the outcome of the treatment and can cause resistance to the bacteria even beyond the skin. In addition, these medications have the unfortunate habit of creating side effects including: dry skin, headache, nausea, ect.
A plant-based alternative
In a recent scientific study (August 2019), plant extracts such as R. officinalis, M. Chamomilla and A. Nilotica can be successfully used as natural anti-acne solutions. How did they find these extracts in particular? I let you read the research in question, because there is a lot of scientific reasoning and I would like to spare myself the headache.
This is also an option to diminish some of the symptoms, but it’s not enough to completely eradicate the acne problem. The main oligoelement recommended in the case of acne is Zinc (15mg) once before going to bed.
The Myths
- Fatty food is not a direct cause of acne, contrary to what one might think. Of course, if you work in a fast-food restaurant that is constantly surrounded by fat that is almost in the air, that does not help your case.
- Acne is not caused by messy skin either. Why do people associate skin or hair problems with a hygiene problem? When my son had lice for the first time, I almost believed my mother-in-law when she accused me of not washing her hair often enough. Afterwards, I learned that it was caused by the other children in the daycare who passed them on to my son. It’s they who are not clean!
- Cosmetics do not worsen acne cases. On the contrary (if they are not oily) they allow to hide the symptoms, a non-negligible advantage.
- Stress does not cause acne but if you have acne, it can stress you. And if you’re stressed, it can make your acne worse.
- Obesity and acne are related: in fact, they are inversely proportional – the bigger you are, the less likely you are to have acne (perhaps because all the fat goes in your thighs, instead of going out through the skin?)
The Consequences
If you do not treat acne as soon as possible, there can be serious consequences, especially at the psychological level. Indeed, even if 85% of people are affected by Acne Vulgaris, as it is called, it causes depression in patients, even suicide thoughts …
The effect on self-esteem drives specialists to look for ways to convince people to get acne treatment. Especially that this concerns teenagers and women in the majority, two groups very sensitive to their external appearance – in general. But it also seems that presidential candidates are affected by this problem because (according to one study) this directly affects their chances of being elected.
In conclusion, it is recommended (in particular by CMDQ tutoring) to proceed in collaboration with allopathic specialists, including dermatologists. On the side of the alternative medicine, it will be necessary to pay attention to the ground, the food and to try supplements like oligotherapy and plant extracts, as mentioned earlier.
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