by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD
Kathleen is a psychologist and family therapist who previously worked as a house cleaner and professional home organizer. She is the author of The Hidden Feelings of Motherhood and Postpartum Depression and is an Affiliate Research Associate at the University of New Hampshire.
Have you ever searched (in vain) for something in your house? Have you ever frantically stuffed in the closet miscellaneous household items just moment before an impromptu visit by relatives? Disorganization in a home contributes significantly to stress. Instead of time for the important and fun things in life, there is a never-ending pile of stuff. By providing 50 simple tools and routines for initiating and maintaining organization, this book helps readers to overcome psychological blocks to lasting organization. Readers are encouraged to start where they are and take little steps forward to greater organization. Thoughts that stall the quest for organization are identified, as is how to get rid of clutter and cut back on the inflow of things into the home.
Being an organization-aficionado myself, I am fascinated by this book. I loved that in the first few pages (page 3 as I recall), we are already given The Four Key Principles for Household Organization: no need to wait until the end of the book. It’s all there, right at the beginning! Efficient.
Instead of forcing change, start where you are (Principle One from her book!).
Never live in messiness again. Gradually. Happy organizing!
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