In winter, daylight is weaker and not very present. Light therapy is a light therapy that supports cell growth, boosts the immune system, boosts the body’s healing processes. It fights against depression, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and its possible bulimic impulses, irritability, low energy. It also facilitates sleep, reduces drowsiness, improves cognitive abilities, mood disorders and reduces the consequences of jet lag.
The white artificial light emitted by special lamps qualitatively resembles sunlight and helps maintain the serotonin / melatonin balance. Light thus stimulates the production of serotonin (the happiness hormone) by entering the body through the eyes. Serotonin regulates mood and governs the production of melatonin, responsible for the sleep-wake cycles.
It is enough to expose the face and parts of the body preferably in the morning while continuing its activities (eating, reading …) 2 to 4 times a week in succession to feel effects. That said, it is essential to go outside as much as possible and benefit from the few rays of the sun while having a good lifestyle. A lamp that emits at least 10,000 Lux is recommended. Please note that this should not emit UV rays.
People who take drugs, photosensitisers, melatonin, who have eye problems (cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, glaucoma …) must consult their doctor before using light therapy. Diabetics and those suffering from bipolarity should not receive light therapy. Always ask your doctor for advice before using it.
Katia Batut, Naturopath and Nutritherapist
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