In honor of our “earth” theme, we’ll see two recipes for humus, and one for tahini … for good measure.
Manon’s Recipe 1
The first one, we already met it not long ago in the article Magical Fajitas, it was once again Manon who suggested that we put this delicious humus in it before the other ingredients. I bring you the recipe here:
juice of a lemon that has been baked for 10 minutes in the oven
a can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
2 cloves garlic
5 tablespoons of tahini (sesame paste)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
a little turmeric, curry, salt and pepper
I mix everything together and add some cooked chickpeas to garnish, with a little sprinkled paprika and olive oil on the top.
Recipe 2: All Dressed
It is not just poutine and pizza that can be “all dressed”, I present to you a full spin humus recipe, for those who want to add to what is already a very good simple recipe (see upper).
250g of chickpeas (if you take them dry, soak them overnight, then discard the soaking water. You cook them with fresh water, which you will keep later to complete the recipe)
2 tablespoon of tahini
2 roasted garlic cloves
the juice of a lemon
a little salt
olives (3/4 cup)
roasted red peppers (3/4 cup)
toasted sesame (1/2 teaspoon)
2 teaspoon of honey
olive oil
1 handful of coriander
In a blender, mix the cooled chickpeas with the cooking water so that the mixture becomes very soft. All the other ingredients are invited to join in the party in the blender, except the coriander which is used to decorate (sorry!) Like the other recipe, we add a few chickpeas, paprika and olive oil on top. olive before serving.
Recipe 3: Tahini
For this delicious recipe, just mix the sesame seed paste (pure) with an equivalent amount of water (I took a glass) – we put everything in the blender for a consistency of cream. Let’s also invite two cloves of garlic, a little salt and the juice of a lemon for the fiesta in the blender. I didn’t take a picture of the result for you because it’s basically… a beige cream.
The Benefits of Chickpeas and Sesame Seeds
Because it’s still the blog of the Collège des Médecines Douces, we will try to learn something about the main ingredients mentioned above:
1. Chickpeas
Source of:
- Vitamins B9
- fibers
- magnesium
- iron
- phosphorus
- manganese
- copper
Note that to have a complete protein with chickpeas, it can be mixed with couscous semolina for example. This is also what I did with my humus which was too liquid on the first attempt: I used it to “wet” (that’s how we say) my couscous and suddenly give the meal the complete protein that was missing!
2. The Sesame Seed
Source of:
- Vitamins B1
- fibers
- magnesium
- calcium
- iron
- phosphorus
- manganese
- copper
- zinc
- molybdenum
- selenium
Enjoy your lunch!
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