According to a study published in the journal “Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews,” diabetic volunteers practicing yoga for 10 days saw their diabetes improve. Indeed, doing Asanas or yoga postures acts directly through a physical action on the endocrine system. Particularly on the glandular system (the adrenal, thyroid glands, etc.) and on certain organs such as the rate, the liver or the pancreas in our case.
This has an impact on blood sugar and its regulation and mainly on the secretion of insulin (a hormone which controls it). A reduction in stress caused by the practice of yoga helps reduce resistance. That is why experts recommend introducing yoga daily into the lives of patients.
Here are 6 postures to introduce in your practice inspired by the book : Mieux vivre avec le diabète grace au yoga – Hansa Jayadeva Yogendra & Armaiti N. Desai
Pose #1: Dhanurasana
This posture, also called “bow pose”, soothes the pancreas.
Pose #2: Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana
This “half-bridge” posture helps regulate blood sugar, improve the role of the pancreas and digest sugar.
Posture #3: Bhujangasana
Also called the “cobra pose”, it is one of the main poses to do when you have diabetes. It stimulates the internal organs while stretching the spine.
Posture #4:
Vakrasana Also known as the “half spinal twist pose,” this position stimulates the sexual organs and pancreas as well as the adrenal glands. Which therefore has an impact on blood sugar levels.
Pose #5:
Adho Muka Svanasana This position called “downward facing dog” also helps regulate blood sugar levels by reducing blood pressure and improving digestion.
Posture #6:
Paschimottanasana “The claw” is one of the key postures to prevent diabetes by having a beneficial effect on digestion and stress.
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