In Gemmotherapy, we use two birches which differ mainly in their habitat but whose properties are the same. On the one hand the Silver Birch, Betula verrucosa, and on the other hand the Downy Birch, Betula pubescens. General draining action and more particularly hepatic. Action on the osteoarticular system: anti-inflammatory, and they stimulate bone regeneration. The macerate of pubescent birch buds will be very suitable for situations of arthritis, bone disorders and Detox cures. Downy Birch seems more suitable for adults and the elderly, while Silver Birch is ideal for children and young individuals.
Joint system
Birch intervenes in joint pain as an anti-inflammatory and helps to relieve painful backs, ankylosis and stiffness. It acts in disorders of phospho-calcium metabolism, in particular by stimulating bone regeneration. It remineralizes the body, it is therefore indicated in rickets.
Digestive system
Birch is a spleen and pancreas stimulant. It constitutes an effective remedy in the treatment of different forms of hepatitis, often associated with other buds.
Renal system
Birch buds are used successfully by people suffering from water retention causing edema, obesity, kidney and bladder lithiasis. It is a general drainer of the liver (antitoxic) and urinary tract (nephritis, kidney stones)
Important note:
The sap, which causes the birch buds to swell, contains numerous active ingredients (tannins, flavone derivatives, sesquiterpenes and vitamin C). Thanks to the combined use of fermented birch sap combined with birch and blackcurrant buds, the elimination of organic waste such as uric acid and cholesterol is activated. it is very important to use pure sap, not pasteurized or sterilized with alcohol or organic acids and not artificially enriched with xylitol, but rather preferably lacto-fermented, in the form of a “Birch Kombucha ”
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