Recent studies show that autism is on the rise. That’s why the Alternative Medicine College blog wants to know how alternative medicines can play a role in this battle.
Alleviate the day-to-day living of the autistic child
Even if one doesn’t have at home a child suffering from autism, one can imagine how hard it must be for the parents of such a child to manage on a day-to-day basis. Between screams and slaps and other tantrums, one is bound to look for a solution. Regular educational tips won’t work in most cases, so what should we do ?
Current medicine does not know the answer
Researchers and doctors do not know how to treat autism. Specific problems (motor, language) will be assigned to their specific specialist, but that’s it. In most cases, the autistic child will have to deal with his symptoms his whole life. In the meantime, parents are in the dark as to how to help their child. They are told that in most cases the cause is genetic, but then what ?
Temporary Solutions
30 to 95% of parents have turned to alternative medicines in order to alleviate the symptoms of their autistic child. Indeed, because of the physical and emotional toll it has on parents, anything that can ease their burden is welcome. What are the different solutions offered by alternative medicines ?
First of all, one needs to learn how to stay calm with one’s child. It’s true with all children but especially with autistic ones. The crisis they get into can only get worse if the parent gets angry. Alternative medicines has a lot of tools to help deal with emotions, but that’s the topic of a different article.
Second of all, one wants to invest in the child’s sleeping ability. Certain options, such as Bright Light Therapy, can increase the melatonine to ease sleeping patterns. A rested child will be more receptive and calm during the day.
Third of all, the food regimen of an autistic child can help improve his symptoms. It’s been proven that the digestive system of an autistic chil is sensitive to gluten and caseine (the protein found in milk). To remove these elements from his diet could reduce his level of irritability and increase his language skills. However, such a regimen can be hard to follow and a bit expensive. Also, on the long term the effects might not be so conclusive.
Finally, the supplements one can give his child have a proven effect, and no side-effet. Alternative medicine can help there, too : in our nutritherapy program, for instance, we explain all the different supplements for each problem. Omega 3 is an example of a good supplement to facilitate brain activity, a nice advantage for autistic children in particular.
The exception to the rule
Doctors tell us there is no cure for autism. This may be true. But in almost 10% of cases, children get cured. How ? We don’t know. But some parents don’t want to give up on trying different options, especially those that are free of side effects. Indeed, alternative medicine options are known to have no dangerous consequences on the body even on the long term. One needs only to know how far (money, energy) one is willing to go. To be the exception to the rule, it might be very well worth it.
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