Tea clears the mind, helps digestion and neutralizes toxins, according to Chinese medicine. In Japan where the vision of beauty is holistic, the “way of tea” designates a way of being, an aesthetic, almost an art, linked to the tea ceremony. Concentrated in polyphenols, including the very effective epigallocatechin gallate, green tea is a powerful antioxidant. The presence of tannins further reinforces this action. Its high caffeine content makes it an ally for slimming treatments with boosting action.
1 – Mizudashi Lotion
Preserve the properties of green tea by cold infusing 1 tablespoon of sencha tea in 50 cl of spring water. Leave to cool for 2 hours. You can drink a glass of iced tea while passing a cool cotton pad on your face. Freshness and radiance effect to be repeated as often as possible during heatwaves in particular.
2 – Antioxidant green mask
In a glass bowl, mix 1 level teaspoon of matcha green tea, 1 tablespoon of white clay and 1 tablespoon of lemon balm hydrosol. Leave for ten minutes before rinsing with cool water.
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