Everyone should have a small bottle of St. John’s Wort macerate in their toiletry kit.
With its bright, deep yellow color, these flowers contain a substance called hypericin, a powerful anti-inflammatory whose name is said to be inspired by the Greek Titan Hyperion. Hyperforin, on the other hand, naturally promotes healing. Additionally, the tannins, present in high concentrations, act as powerful astringents, while flavonoids, potent antioxidants, help fight the signs of aging.
Your own macerate:
Of course, you can buy it commercially, but nothing compares to the pleasure of making it yourself and choosing the precious oil that will absorb the wonderful properties of St. John’s Wort.
Fill a small jar with a wide opening halfway with dried St. John’s Wort flowers, then cover with jojoba oil. Seal the jar tightly and let it macerate for 4 weeks, turning the jar regularly. Strain through cotton gauze (a simple compress, for example), pressing the flowers to avoid losing any macerate, then pour the oil into a sterilized, airtight container.
Facial Oil for Irritated Skin:
In a 20 ml bottle, mix half St. John’s Wort macerate, known for its healing properties, with half rosehip oil, which is anti-aging and illuminating. Add 3 drops of rosemary essential oil, astringent and purifying, and 5 drops of lavender essential oil, anti-inflammatory. Apply to thoroughly cleansed skin before bedtime.
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