Marine magnesium has a good reputation but is it the best? What is it? Why supplement?
No, this is not the best. It is a mixture of inorganic salts which has variable contents of oxide, hydroxide, chloride and sulfate. These are fairly good levels of elemental magnesium. However, it has a modest or even low bioavailability while having the drawbacks of inorganic salts. Its problem is therefore bioavailability (little magnesium absorbed at each intake).
Among the best are the:
– Magnesium citrate (well tolerated, at high dose, slight laxative effect in some);
– Magnesium bisglycinate (no inconvenience).
It is possible to take taurine in parallel, which acts as a transporter (acetyl taurinate) to better fix and retain magnesium inside cells. Vitamin B6, promotes its assimilation.
Here are some signs of magnesium deficiency:
Loss of appetite, muscle contractions, cramps, tremors, numbness, spasmophilia, depression, depression, nervousness, irritability, lack of concentration, fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of concentration, disorientation, migraines, abnormal heart rhythm.
Stress and intense sport are sources of magnesium drops.
Katia Batut, Nutritherapist and Naturopath
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