Did you know? About 34,000 to 40,000 species of spiders exist on earth. If you ask for my opinion, that’s 39,999 too many. We could keep one model of one species for the insect museum, no? It seems that they have their reason for being on this earth, like as this article explains, they can heal many many of symptoms and cure diseases. Nothing is done in vain in this world… even spiders!
So all these 40 000 species can survive without water for ONE full year, especially in deserts (always handy given the lack of water there). We will see that “spider remedies” have many similarities, and they also have individual characteristics that help us choose the right remedy for each case.
Mental Symptoms of Spider Remedy
The spider is constantly threatened by everything outside; she can be killed at any time… Sometimes even mating is a threat to her life!
So it’s no surprise that sufferers who need this kind of medicine use a lot of threat in their language and behavior: “I’ll hit you!” “don’t interfere or talk to me or question me! ” These people like to contradict for fun, any interference is seen as a threat (even if it’s a reasonable question.)
Arguing, fighting with others is a common characteristic of those who need a spider-remedy (but it could be something else too, one has to look at the whole picture).
Another important aspect is the constant threat, restlessness or hyperactivity. It’s as if you’re resting = you’re dead, it’s the end of your life…
They have to do something that is attractive, colorful and rhythmic, like dancing!, to constantly grab the other person’s attention, to entertain and engage them, or else “it’s death”. You must dance for your life could be the motto of spider remedies.
One of the important symptoms of spiders is affections caused by unrequited love – as in Tarantula: the person tries very hard to seek the other person’s love and attention, but feels completely ignored , neglected.
A strange aspect that we find in these remedies: search for corners, likes to snuggle up, hide in a corner… (like spiders!)
Case in Point: The Restless Child
Here is a real case study done by a Hindu homeopath (I couldn’t find the source):
One of my first practice patients was a small child who was very restless, moved around, and played a lot in the clinic. His grandmother was very worried that the child was so busy playing that he barely ate anything; he doesn’t even come home to eat even one meal all day.
I asked her how he managed so much activity without food and she replied, “I watched him eat mud and chalk”
She continues, “I bring him home to eat food, and he doesn’t eat, just refuses”
I asked the child, “Why don’t you eat?”
He replied, “Ah, that’s none of your business; do you want to get hit?”
I was surprised by his response and his threat to hit me, when I asked a reasonable question. I took the headings-
General – Food and Drinks – Sand – cravings – TARENT, Sil
Menacing – TARENT, hepar, stram
Restlessness, hyperactivity is a known characteristic of Tarentula H.
I gave the child – Tarentula Hispanica 1M One dose. The grandmother called me. Immediately after arriving home, the child said “I’m hungry, can you feed me?”
Treated Conditions
Given the symptoms associated with these kinds of remedies, they can easily be associated (on a case-by-case study of course) with autism or ADHD, when the child’s behavior includes:
- Feigning illness, cunning, malice, teasing, making fun of others.
- “Desires for fruits and fruit drinks during fever” is a very strong symptom of spider remedies.
- desire for sand, mud, etc.
We can also treat, with this kind of remedies:
gangrenous ulcers.
muscle twitching,
Parkinson’s disease, etc. (Mygale Lasidora is a very important remedy for chorea, Parkinson’s.)
Just a Preview
There are of course many spider cures that exist in the materia medica and Tarentula is just one of a dozen examples.
Tarentula hispanica, Theridion, Latrodectus mactans, Latrodectus haseltii, Latrodectus katipo, Aranea diadema, Aranea ixobola, Arenea scinensia, Tarentula cubensis, Mygale, Loxosceles reclusa and Tela araneae.
There are also books in English and online courses dedicated to this specific subject… Note that homeopathic remedies can be made from animals, plants, minerals, or even viruses or bacteria…
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