The buds of the fig tree (sacred tree in antiquity), YIN in nature, acts deeply on our endocrine system and contributes to the regularization of a number of psycho-somatic problems resulting from neuro-vegetative dystonia.
The nervous system
First-class anxiolytic, it quickly neutralizes the effects of both internal and external stress by having a calming action. Its very effective action concerns all nervous disorders (spasmophilia, epilepsy, facial neuralgia, etc.) Moreover, taken in the evening at bedtime in increasing doses, it considerably facilitates falling asleep, particularly in people “who think too much”
Digestive system
Gemmotherapy considers it as the drainer of the stomach, acting remarkably in duodenal and gastric ulcers, diaphragmatic hernias, esophageal dysphagia, gastritis. Great regulator of bulimic tendencies, it balances appetite and stomach secretions (hypo-hyperchloridria)
In various colic (including Crohn’s disease) it calms pain while acting to calm intestinal gurgling, aerophagia and sigmoiditis.
Circulatory system
As a blood thinner due to the presence of ficin, fig bud fights arteriosclerosis and allows the resorption of intracranial hematoma. It calms heart palpitations, especially those of nervous origin and improves thrombotic phenomena.
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