Fear among most people is the word “Cancer” because they know chances of survival in most cases is minimal. There are however life extension modalities from conventional medicine’s limited arsenal of chemotherapy drugs, radiation and surgery. Some actually have been curative for a while. For example Chemotherapy applied at an earlier diagnostic stage of some blood cancers like Hodgkin’s lymphoma and leukemia has resulted in a ‘temporary cure’. Even surgical procedures to remove prostate glands with localized tumours have cured the patient. Some modern cancer drugs that are based on a monoclonal antibody process that acts as a GPS for chemotherapy treatment specifically targeting tumours is a definite improvement to the old drugs that just poisoned and destroyed everything, cancer and healthy cells alike.
But after 50 or 100 years in our modern era, has cancer been defeated?
As they say in the movies: “What you are about to read is based on actual events – but not necessarily in chronological order”
In 1980,‘Interferon’ was introduced to the world as a possible means to treat cancer successfully.Interferon’s are signalling proteins or Cytokines These interferon cytokines mobilize the immune system’s NKC (Natural killer cells)and Macrophage rank and file.The interferon drug was a manmade synthesis of the cytokines that are naturally made in the body. In 1980 it was published in the medical journals of the day as an immune stimulant that would bring cancer to its knees, but unfortunately it did not. Then in 1985, another ‘miracle cure’ was found,Interleukin 2, another immune stimulant, that did not work either. The Interferon provides a barrier between host cells and viruses so as a virus cannot inject its DNA into a host cell for reasons of replication, and they mobilize macro phage cells to absorb viral agents. The interleukin family of immune system messengers are produced by the leukocyte white blood cells for purposes of immune system regulation.
Within this same period as the Interleukin 2, approval and fateful clinical study, ‘Bone marrow transplants’ were being discussed, especially for breast cancer. Insurance companies at the time refused to reimburse such a procedure due to its unproven status and the immense cost of$500,000.This opened up a hornets nest, and oncologists began filing lawsuits against insurance companies accusing them of being heartless bullies, depriving women of possible life saving treatment, suffering from aggressive breast cancer who could potentially be saved. One lawsuit involved Nelene Fox, a 38year old who developed breast cancer in 1991.
Her HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) insurance company Health Net refused to pay for the bone marrow transplant. She took the matter through the courts and was awarded $77 million in punitive damages, $12 million in compensatory damages and $212,000 in medical expenses. The reason for Health Nets refusal to pay for the transplant procedure was the advice given byDr. Sam Ho, medical director of the company, who had been advised himself that the procedure was unproven for advanced metastatic breast cancer. As it turned out he was right, because the woman was dead two years later in 1993. Nonetheless, the medical profession refused to withdraw the procedure and whenLinda McCartney was diagnosed with the same disease in 1995. She to was given a bone marrow transplant in 1998 and within 3 months she was dead.
Bone Marrow transplantation is an aggressive procedure that involves removing some healthy bone marrow cells, administering large doses of Chemotherapy drugs (much larger than normal) to destroy completely, the bone marrow, in order to rebuild it using the healthy bone marrow initially removed.Unfortunately, in ‘wiping out’ the bone marrow there is a distinct possibility that some of the cancerous cells will resist the chemotherapy onslaught and begin growing back , but in a more aggressive form.
In early 2000 an American biologist/pediatrician Dr Judah Folkman who had been studying CancerAngiogenesis since 1970, based a curative cancer theory on 2 endogenous anti-angiogenic inhibitors
Endostatin and Angiostatin, which are proteins that are thought to balance regulation between pro andanti-angiogenic, announcing
“We have not seen a tumor we cannot regress.”
Gina Kolata reporter at the New York times said: “Judah is going to cure cancer in 2 years.”Even Richard Klausner (Director of the NCI) announced:
“I am putting nothing on a higher priority than getting this into clinical trials.”
The NCI fast tracked a clinical study enrolling some 70 participants in 2006. After the initial uproar ofexcitement everything went silent.Then the truth emerged, only 42 participants with advancedpancreatic endocrine tumours or carcinoid (Intestinal or bronchial regions) tumours were recruited, andnot one responded to the drug. Two years later in 2008, Folkman would be dead from heart failure.
Doctor Thomas Seyfried, professor of biology, at the University of Illinoisembraced the work of OttoWarburg, and proven by mitochondrial analysis, that the mitochondria of a normal cell contains innermembrane folds known as ‘Cristae’ that store the cells energy, whereas in a tumour cell themitochondria is empty, having no energy storage but simply surviving on fermented glucose asopposed to aerobic glycolysis. He basically stated that Cancer is a Metabolic disease, wherecancercells have to rely almost exclusively on glucose for their energy.
Conventional medicine, because they do not fully understand cancer, and how to halt its progression,they create innovative ways to analyze the condition through personalized medicine techniques usingclinicians to analyze hundreds of cell mutations taken from tumours in an attempt to identify whatdrugs to use.Their dedicated ‘zeal to heal’, hampered by the knowledge that they will always be onthe side of treatment, as opposed to prevention, genetics is still the driving force. So how can youpossibly deal with inherited Oncogenes (or mutated genes)? Even Dr Seyfried questions this ‘dogma’of genetic disposition when studies like the cloned embryo in a mouse, that is perfectly formed fromthe implantation of a brain tumour cell.How many times have you heard the story that my cancer has returned…IT NEVER LEFT
1.History of cancer (Article 2015) Nigel Hawkes
2.Interferon Cancer research UK website
3.Interferon Wikipedia
4.What is the distinction between Chemokines,cytokines,interferons and Interleukins Biologywebsite
5.$89 million awarded to family who sued HMO (Article Dec 1993 NY Times) Erik Eckholm
6.2 endogenous anti-angiogenic inhibitors Endostatin, Angiostatin demonstrate biplasmic curesin their anti-tumor profiles ( NCBI 2011) K.Javaherian, T.Lee, R.Sjin, G.Pavru,L.Hlatky
7.Endostatin Wikipedia
8.Judah Folkman dies at 74 (Article Jan 2008 Harvard Gazette ) Robert Cooke
9.Phase II Study of recombinant human endostatin in patients with advanced neuroendocrinetumors (NCBI 2006)
10.Dr Gonzalez dismantles the Ketogenic diet (Article 2013) Dr Nicholas Gonzalez
11.Citric acid cycle Khan Academy website
12.Cancer: A Metabolic Disease With Metabolic Solutions Utube video Dr Thomas Seyfried
13.Inheritance of traits by offspring follows preictable rules Scitable website
14.What does glucagon do ? Hormone health network website
15.Inuit diet Wikipedia
16.Extreme nutrition : The diet of eskimos ( Vol 14, issue 4) Dr McDougall’s Health andmedical website
Author : Eric Malouin
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